Everyone is Welcome, Everyone Belongs – it’s at the heart of the way Ruah operates, and we are incredibly proud to have achieved Rainbow Tick Accreditation and have our commitment to providing safe and inclusive services for the LGBTI+ community nationally recognised.
Two years ago, our LGBTI+ Working Group put forward the recommendation that Ruah pursue Rainbow Tick accreditation – this was endorsed, and the journey began in October 2018.
Ruah CEO Debra Zanella said achieving the Rainbow Tick is an incredible milestone.
Ms Zanella said a significant number of Ruah’s clients, and up to 20% of its employees, are LGBTI+ and the Rainbow Tick made it clear that its services and facilities were safe places where people’s sexual orientation or gender identity were understood, and their needs were supported.
“We are committed to ensuring we have the systems, training, policies and processes in place to support LGBTI+ clients and staff,” explained Debra. “The long-term wellbeing of a significant and valued sector of our community is at risk and as advocates for vulnerable people in our community, it is important to us that we stand up and show the way.”
“We also wanted to demonstrate that Ruah is an inclusive workplace and reaffirm our commitment to our employees and volunteers who are members of the LGBTI+ community.”
To achieve Rainbow Tick accreditation there are six national standards that must be met:
- Organisational capability;
- Workforce development;
- Consumer participation;
- A welcoming and accessible organisation;
- Disclosure and documentation, and
- Culturally safe and acceptable services.
More information about the standards is available on the Quality Innovation Performance website.