The 2019-20 financial year was a year like no other – it began as we were celebrating our 60th anniversary and ended amidst the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
What remained throughout was the commitment and hard work of our team – who supported more than 2,600 disadvantaged people and assisted another 30,100 people through our drop-in and triage services across Western Australia throughout the year.
Our 2019-20 annual report highlights how Ruah has continued to shift the dial on the community attitudes to homelessness, family and domestic violence and mental illness over the last 12 months. We continue to take bold strides to drive social policy and enhance our service delivery model so that we remain strong and agile into 2021 and beyond.
Some of our annual report highlights, include:
- 2020-2023 strategic plan launched to drive ongoing professionalism, growth and change.
- Anniversary celebrations culminated as the Minister for Community Services and guests mark Ruah’s 60 years of achievement.
- Ruah and the Mental Health Law Centre (MHLC) merged extending wraparound services to clients.
- Rapid response to COVID-19 ensured continuity of service to clients.
- Micro-concerts hosted to overcome social isolation, support local musicians and foster community connection.
- 50 Lives 50 Homes housed 237 people across 186 properties, its success recorded in a third independent evaluation.
- 20 Lives 20 Homes launched during Homelessness Week 2019 extending the 50 Lives 50 Homes concept to rough sleepers in Fremantle.
- Safe Spaces, a trial in collaboration with Uniting WA, introduced 24/7 support during Homelessness Week 2019.
- Ruah Centre transitioned to a planned response model, emphasising one-on-one support ahead of crisis intervention.
- Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) completed after two years of collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait staff and community.
- Everyone is welcome; everyone belongs campaign highlighted Ruah’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.
To view or download the report, click here.