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Safe Night Space

Safe Night Space

What is the Safe Night Space?

The Safe Night Space (SNS) is a safe and culturally secure overnight shelter for women experiencing homelessness, family and domestic violence and other vulnerabilities who have no other safe place to go. While not a long-term solution, the SNS provides a temporary haven where vulnerable women can rest, receive informal support, and access information about services for accommodation assistance, aiming to mitigate the risks of further physical and psychological harm associated with sleeping rough. The priority is safety, and then to promote positive outcomes for the women, working with case workers, engaging in linked services, and being supported into permanent housing.

Operating hours

With capacity for up to 30 women per night, the Safe Night Space operates from:

  • 7pm to 7am, seven days a week, 365 days per year
  • Ruah Engagement Hub on: 247 James Street, Northbridge, WA.

Who can access the Safe Night Space?

People who identify as female, over the age of 18 and are:

  • Rough sleeping, experiencing homeless, or are at risk of homelessness.
  • Escaping family and domestic violence who would otherwise face being forced onto the streets.
  • Please note no one under the age of 18 is permitted into the service, which includes children.

How to access the Safe Night Space:

Women can access the service via referral from one of our referral partners, through emergency placement or they can self-present.

View our Safe Night Space Information pack below for more information about the service, Referral pathways.